指弹中国 FingerstyleChina
2006 年 12 月 22 日,指弹中国创始人李伟峰(Weifeng Lee)在上海成立指弹中国网站,开始在中国推广指弹吉他文化,在那个bbs论坛年代,指弹中国论坛有超过 50 万注册会员。当时在中国互联网关于指弹吉他的相关内容及资料十分匮乏,指弹中国论坛就是中国指弹爱好者 的学习交流站。
On December 22, 2006, Fingerstyle China was founded in Shanghai by Weifeng Lee. The website was created to promote fingerstyle guitar culture in China. During the era of BBS forums, the Fingerstyle China forum attracted over 500,000 registered members, becoming a key learning and exchange hub for Chinese fingerstyle enthusiasts, as information on this genre was scarce on Chinese internet platforms at the time.