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Web Scraper – Free Web Scraping


插件名称Web Scraper – Free Web Scraping插件评分4.1


具有简单点击界面的 Web 数据提取工具,适用于现代 Web

免费且易于使用的 Web 数据提取工具,适合所有人。


Web Scraper 采用由选择器组成的模块化结构,指导抓取工具如何遍历目标站点以及提取哪些数据。得益于这种结构,从现代动态网站(如 Amazon、Tripadvisor、eBay)以及鲜为人知的网站进行数据挖掘变得轻而易举。

数据提取在您的浏览器上运行,不需要在您的计算机上安装任何东西。您不需要 Python、PHP 或 JavaScript 编码经验即可开始抓取。此外,还可以在 Web Scraper Cloud 中完全自动化数据提取。

抓取数据后,将其下载为 CSV 或 XLSX 文件,然后可以将其进一步导入 Excel、Google 表格等。

Web Scraper is a simple web scraping tool that allows you to use many advanced features to get the exact information you are looking for. It offers features like:
* Data scraping from multiple pages;
* Multiple data extraction types (text, images, URL’s, and more);
* Scraping data from dynamic pages (JavaScript + AJAX, infinite scroll);
* Browsing scraped data;
* Exporting scraped data from a website to Excel;
It is dependent only on the web browser; therefore, no extra software needed for you to start scraping.

How to begin scraping?
There are only a couple of steps you will need to learn in order to master web scraping:
1. Install the extension and open the Web Scraper tab in developer tools (which has to be placed at the bottom of the screen);
2. Create a new sitemap;
3. Add data extraction selectors to the sitemap;
4. Lastly, launch the scraper and export scraped data.
It’s as easy as that!

What can Web Scraper be used for?
* Lead generation – email, phone number, other contact detail related data mining from various websites;
* E-commerce – product data extraction, product price scraping, description, URL extraction, image retrieving, etc;
* Website content crawling – extract information from news portals, blogs, forums and so on;
* Retail monitoring – monitor product performance, competitor or supplier stock and pricing, etc;
* Brand monitoring – product review, social content crawling for sentiment analysis;
* Business intelligence – gather data for key business decisions, learn from your competitors;
* Big data extraction for machine learning, marketing, business strategy developments, researches;
* And much more.

Web scraping can be a little bit difficult at first, that's why we have created informational guides that can help you.
For video tutorials, documentation, how-to’s, playground web pages and blog, visit our website:

If you want to discuss web scraping, request features, ask questions or submit bugs, visit our friendly forum here:

Regarding the privacy policy of our product, see “Browser Extension Privacy Policy” at

Thank you for choosing us!


  1. Chrome 谷歌浏览器
  2. 微软 Edge 浏览器
  3. 360极速浏览器
  4. UC浏览器
  5. QQ浏览器
  6. 搜狗浏览器
  7. 猎豹浏览器
  8. 其他 Chromium 内核浏览器


Web Scraper - Free Web Scraping Web Scraper - Free Web Scraping Web Scraper - Free Web Scraping



