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Weava Highlighter – PDF & Web


插件名称Weava Highlighter – PDF & Web插件评分4.1


适用于网站和 PDF 的最佳突出显示工具。免费且易于使用。

使用 Wea​​va 在线 Web 和 PDF 突出显示工具突出显示和组织您的研究。

简化您的研究过程。专注于生产力。不要浪费时间跟踪来源、复制和粘贴或引用。平均而言,我们的用户报告称 Chrome 扩展程序每周可帮助他们节省 3.8 个小时以上。您可以将这些时间花在真正重要的事情上。

使用 WEAVA,您可以:
➤ 使用多种颜色突出显示网站和 PDF,并进行注释。只需单击即可重新访问它们。
➤ 将您的突出显示组织到文件夹和子文件夹中。
➤ 自动为您的突出显示创建引用。
➤ 随时随地访问您的突出显示。您的突出显示和注释保存在云中。

Best highlighting tool for Website and PDF. FREE and easy to use.

Highlight & organize your research with Weava online Web & PDF highlighter.

Simplify your research process. Focus on Productivity. Don't waste time on keeping track of sources, copying & pasting, or making citations. On average, our users report that the Chrome extension helps them save 3.8+ hours each week. That's a lot of hours that you instead can spend on the things that really matters to you.

➤ Highlight websites and PDFs with multiple colors, and make annotations. Revisit them with a single click.
➤ Organise your highlights into folders and sub-folders.
➤ Create citations automatically for your highlights.
➤ Access your highlights anywhere. Your highlights and notes are saved in the cloud.

& TRUSTED BY 2,000,000+ USERS:
Weava is trusted by students, researchers, business professionals, and people who simply just want to do better and more efficient work. The tool adapts to your needs and research style, giving you the flexibility to review your articles & sources every time you research online.

If you want to supercharge your research and maximize efficiency, Weava Premium is your answer. Here are some of the things that you can do with Premium:
➤ Customize any color you want
➤ Create unlimited sub-folders to organize highlights
➤ Unlimited storage in the cloud to store your files
➤ Clip images and save them in the workspace
➤ Collaborate with your friends or team in real-time

For frequently asked questions (FAQs) and customer support, please see:

➤ Please note that Weava only visually renders the highlights from your current active folder.
➤ You can enable/disable the highlighter pop-up with the keyboard shortcut Alt+S (Option+S on Mac). And you can customize your keyboard shortcuts in your Google Chrome settings (chrome://extensions/shortcuts)
➤ While the tool works on most websites, please note that some websites have conflicting code that results in the Weava highlighter not functioning properly.
➤ Weava fetches and visually renders your color highlights based on the respective URL you first made the highlight on (for websites and online PDFs). Please note that, while your highlights and annotations are always saved in the sidebar and dashboard, if the website URL for some reason changes, then the visual rendering of your highlights are not visible unless you update the URL in the “Edit Source” functionality on the dashboard.
➤ You can 1) highlight local PDFs directly from your computer. 2) Online PDFs, and 3) upload PDFs directly to Weava. Uploading PDFs will ensure you the smoothest experience.
➤ You are currently unable to directly highlight on PDFs inside certain 3rd party software, such as in Google Classroom, Blackboard and Canvas. Instead you would need to first download the PDF and then use it with Weava. We hope to have better solutions towards this in the future.

Weava's requested permissions are needed for the tool to function properly. However, the exact phrases provided by Chrome for these permissions are misleading and make them sound more invasive than they actually are — and you will generally see the same exact warnings on practically all Chrome extensions. Here's a further breakdown of the required permissions to run Weava:
① “Read and change all your data on the website you visit”
➤ “Read”: The Weava Chrome extension has passed all of Google’s automated and manual security checks and is safe to use. The extension reads the current URL of the page you make highlights on – and is also checking if you have existing highlights on this URL so that it can visually show these to you. That's it.
➤”Change”: Weava needs to modify the website you are visiting in order to show you the Chrome extension highlighter pop-up on top of it. Weava also needs this permission to be able to change the text background color accordingly whenever you make a highlight.
② “Modify data you copy and paste.”
➤ Weava needs this permission simply to create and save the highlights you are making. Without it we would just be a nice color tool but without the capabilities to save the exact content you highlighted and show this to you in the sidebar and dashboard.
③ Separately, in the Weava Chrome extension settings, you can enable “Allow access to file URLs” which gives Weava permission to read PDF local file paths so that you can highlight PDFs directly from local files on your computer. Similarly to highlights on websites, it ONLY reads the file path of the file you are highlighting on and it is only doing this in order to be able to save the highlight and to fetch and visually render these highlights on subsequent visits.

By installing the extension, you agree to Weava's Terms and and Privacy Policy (


  1. Chrome 谷歌浏览器
  2. 微软 Edge 浏览器
  3. 360极速浏览器
  4. UC浏览器
  5. QQ浏览器
  6. 搜狗浏览器
  7. 猎豹浏览器
  8. 其他 Chromium 内核浏览器


Weava Highlighter - PDF & Web Weava Highlighter - PDF & Web Weava Highlighter - PDF & Web



